The Einstein affair: part v

Pages 11 and 12 of Wilhelm Reich’s letter addressed to einstein in response to his denial on the existence of the Orgone Energy:

“The Einstein Affair” – Archives of the Orgone Institute.


  1. There exists, in the atmosphere, the soil and the living organism, a specific biologically active energy which I termed “orgone“. This energy can be made visible, in the form of scintillations, in the atmosphere and the soil, as well as on green bushes, with the aid of the orgonoscope.

These mighty words were written in response to einstein’s suggestion to discard the whole affair of the Discovery of the Orgone Energy as a simple and understandable “illusion”, even as it was proven, visible and thermally, right in front of his nose, at his Princeton home.

It takes more than stupidity to deny that which has been proven as real, when the very senses through which this denial takes place, bear witness of the existence of a Life Force that runs through all living beings, igniting the will to remain an integrated part of this Cosmic reality, were in all infinite individualities, we all share the same common functional principle, that of Life, in its purest essence, the Orgone.

In a normal World, einstein would have been taken to an asylum for the lunatics, where the man would have spent the rest of his days formulating equations to impress and convince an audience of equally mentally weak and incapable individuals populating the same asylum, that there is nothing but an emptiness everywhere; in basic terms, this is what the man proclaimed, does this not sound like the words of a desperate helpless soul searching for meaning and substance in a world that approves and reinforces his helplessness as confronted with the Divine and Eternal Law of Life?

Instead, the real Scientist that proved the existence of a Life Force that permeates all things, igniting with healing and evolutive impulses the will of human beings, binding them to eternal life, was imprisoned, his books burned, his name trashed.

Wilhelm Reich

Strange world, this is.

In this age of human evolution, it is within that indefinite essence that transcends from behind a deep stare, one that comes directly from the soul, that Truth speaks Its mighty language, loud, and clear, from soul, to soul.

And so it is, in the name of Truth, that the Work of Wilhelm Reich must be brought back to the light of consciousness for the new generation of humans ready to hold their lives in their own hands, ready to continue the evolutionary path of Mother Earth, by understanding that there is a Life Force running through all of us, guiding and sustaining our innate power and right to evolve into ever more perfect beings, filled with light and wisdom, carrying the fruit produced by our individual soul forces, being constantly beaten down and constantly surging up ever more polished, ever more perfected in our knowing of Who we really Are …. mighty Cosmic dust destined to become Eternal, sharing the same common functional principle as the Gods …. the principle of Life, the Orgone, discovered and proved, brought down to a basic human degree of understanding and assimilation, by the powerful intellect granted by Divine Grace, to Wilhelm Reich, a real scientist that proclaimed his atheism, nevertheless, while, unbeknown to him, being bathed by the very same Grace he, himself, conversely, denied.

Yes, a strange World this is, but also filled with wonder and might, to the one who has eyes to see, and ears to hear, the language of Life and Truth.

It can be measured electroscopically and thermically and can be concentrated with the aid of a specific arrangement of materials. There are some photographic demonstrations, but they are as yet not clearly sufficiently separated from the control experiment. On Kodachrome film, the radiation registers as blue or bluish grey, that is, in the same color in which it is perceived subjectively.

Indeed, my dear Wilhelm …. time yields and lifts always that which is real, to the surface of Light, no matter how deep it has been buried ….

Years after his death, Kirlian photography demonstrated Wilhelm Reich’s words to be correct, and once again, the world fell silent ….

Kirlian photograph of a human fingertip,

2. As the unit of the quantity of Orgone Energy we may take for the time being one Org. i. e., that quantity of energy which maintains a temperature difference T-To of °1 C per hour.

Science does not confirm the aura, what Wilhelm Reich correctly termed Orgone – Life Force, for how could it? it is only after one reaches the summit of the peak, that one obtains a correct view on the manifold and endless weaving and streaming forces at play, on this experience we call life on earth, and when one can see why we, as human beings, are placed at the very center of Earth evolution, and hence, in the midst of a battle, albeit not a battle immediately grasped by the average senses of physical perception …. 

It takes more than an “average” understanding of Life to really Know, Who, exactly, we, as humans, Are. Unable to comprehend this fact, humans have found a route through either mysticism, by giving up on their own inner resources to reach a definite conclusion and allowing the priest to do that job for them, or, for those unable to ask fundamental questions about the nature of their very own existence, flowing along in the stream of a pre-packaged life, already designed for them, trusting the high priest of science. 

Both high priests wear the same coat.

And so, between “good” and “evil”, the human tries his best to remain afloat within an existence he does not understand, giving up his sovereign power to evolve and resigning himself to a fate, perhaps, produced by karma, perhaps, produced by evil, or, perhaps, as a result of luck, allowing him to grasp one more breath of clean air, just enough to allow him to make it to the next step, without falling again ….. but all the while his inner voice, the voice of his real self, grows ever louder, and ever deeper his misery is. Thankfully, the high priest comes to the rescue with a pill, or with a promise of a paradise at the end of his miserable life.

And in the midst of this tragedy, Truth remains, unabated, standing strong, sending Its emissaries, with an ever loud and stronger voice, to convey Its message, to those who have ears to hear.

Can you not see, human, how Important your existence Is?

3. The living organism is surrounded by a field of energy the extend of which varies within narrower or wider limits. This can be demonstrated by way of the oscillograph. If, e.g., without any connection by a conductor, a hand is moved at a distance of 1-4 m from a cellulose disk placed vertically in front of a silver electrode, the oscillograph will register variations.

It would have appeared as an idea only seen in science fiction movies, back in the 1940’s, that by simply being in the proximity of a sensor capable of detecting a living being’s energetic field, a door would open. Yet only a few decades after these words were written, we routinely live within the confirmation of an energy field being emitted from us, capable of opening the heaviest door, by simply walking near them.

Unaware of the silent power that surround us and whence we emerge, humans walk around as hopeless weak creatures, blind to the Mighty Truth that bears witness to their very being.

Continuation of page 11 of Wilhelm Reich’s response to einstein’s denial of the Orgone:

4. All living organisms constantly inhale and radiate this energy. That is, there is an exchange of energy between the organism and the atmospheric Orgone Energy. The erythrocytes represent the essential carriers of this energy from the lungs to the other tissues. The constant heat production of the body a phenomenon which is as yet unexplained – is most likely orgone radiation of the body. In this connection, the high iron content of the blood is of significance.

By inhaling/exhaling and exchanging within our atmospheric surroundings this Orgone that forms part of the air, we remain as a living part of the Earth, evolving with and in It. If, however, that which is the living element that we breathe, is poisoned and becomes toxic, we are forcefully being sundered from the Earth, from our very essence. Once the atomic energy was developed and placed into use, at the request and urgent demand of einstein and company, the living element of the atmosphere, the Orgone, slowly began to be annihilated, desecrated, human evolution was arrested.

Denied by the very same entity that attacked it, the Orgone Energy, the Life Force, found Its most fierce and loyal defender, in the work and determination to bring up to Light the Truth imbued within our existence, of Wilhelm Reich.

5. The sun also emits this heretofore unknown energy. This can be demonstrated electroscopically by exposing non charged insulators (like rubber cellulose, cotton, wood, etc.) to bright sunlight in dry air (relative humidity below 40-50%).

This energy, again, is not just the energy that we currently are able to collect, store and make use of by means of solar panels, for this is only the material side of it, the energy that derives from the Sun mentioned here by Wilhelm Reich, the Orgone, is of a Life and healing infusing nature, hence the denial by the emissaries of sickness, death, of human suffering.

In this connection one can understand, from the perspective of reality, the reason behind the artificial dimming of the Sun, by forces alien to human evolution, by parasites that seek to halt our development into higher states of consciousness, and hence, of existence, for without the direct influence of the Sun, life, as it is intended to continue on planet Earth, is seized by the powers of the dragon.

But the dragon must be conquered, once more, and the best arm to posses by means of which, the victory of life over a state of regression and ultimate annihilation from the Cosmic Order of existence, will prevail, is to know that there are forces at play, behind the scenes of physical appearances, in a constant battle to conquer the human soul, and to act in consequence, for a task has been granted to us humans, by the same ruler that ensures Universal order and continuation: that we fight for the evolution of planet Earth, that is, our own evolution, to its last consequences, with the same courage and resilience, as Wilhelm Reich once did, in the face of the dragon.

Point 6 of Wilhelm Reich’s response to einstein’s denial of the existence of the Orgone:

6. Certain experimental findings (N-pole of a bar-magnet emitting light in the orgone room; metal point discharging sparks at a distance of 5 cm from a cellulose disk which has been rubbed, etc.)make highly plausible the assumption that the variations in earth magnetism have something to do with this energy. Similarly, the northern (lights) (enormous deposits of iron in the North of Sweden); and lightning, the nature of which is as yet unexplained and which represents violent discharges of atmospheric energe.

Yes the last word, “energe”, appears as a misspelling in the original text, giving testimony of the genuine nature of Wilhelm’s Reich desperate attempt to convey, once more, the message of Truth in defense of the reality of the Orgone Energy, denied by einstein, without having the text artificially revised and re-checked for misspellings of this sort.

What a lesson in Strength and resilience, in courage and power, Wilhelm Reich’s legacy has granted the World with, signalling what the character of this epoch, must take. May we learn from it, and not succumb to the conformity and easiness of an existence prepackaged for us, by the claws of the dragon.

Presented to court after the decree to burn his books and work, and to imprison him, Wilhelm Reich fought with tooth and nail, for our evolution.

Point 6, as inserted above, describes the process on the effects the Orgone has, within the accumulator, in regards to magnetism and light, where a parallel similarity is replicated by the Earth. It is very unlikely that einstein dedicated any time to even read these lines, let alone, to attempt to repeat the experiment. At the time, the little scientist busied himself promoting the use and abuse, of the atom bomb.

Point 7 of Wilhelm Reich’s response to einstein’s denial of the existence of the Orgone:

7. Taking into account the specific nature of the orgone energy, which magnetises insulators, one can say that the magnetic field of the Earth has little if anything to do with the known iron magnetism. There is one experimental finding with a bearing on the problem as to why the magnetic lines of force are vertical to the direction of the electric current: between two iron plates in the orgone room, a magnetic needle will point vertically towards one of the plates, W or E, as the case may be.

Not even knowing, still nowadays, where the magnetic field the Earth is subjected to, originates, science ventures the claim, nevertheless, that the relationship between the planet and this field, has a direct relationship to the iron deposits within the core of Earth.

In reality, as Wilhelm Reich demonstrates in the experiment within the orgone room, the Orgone Force that surrounds the planet, is the responsible for Earth’s rotation.

“A magnetic needle will point vertically towards one of the plates ….” VERTICALLY, let he who has eyes, SEE.

In other words: the rotation and planetary orbit of the Earth is not subjected to forces related to gravity, but to the Ocean of Orgone Energy that sustains and guides its path, around the Sun. The character of the Orgone Force is that of an ascending onward path, as opposed to magnetism.

However, this has as yet not been sufficiently worked out. Another most problem which may be expected to be brought to a satisfactory comprehension on the basis of these findings is that of “static electricity”.

Point 8 of Wilhelm Reich’s letter in response to einstein’s advise to consider the Orgone Energy, an “understandable illusion”:

8. For many months, I have kept observing a phenomenon which demonstrates the fact that peculiar variations in atmospheric energy tensions disturb the constant galvanic current in excellent stabile measuring instruments (Siemens pantostats). One is reminded here of the disturbance of electric apparatuses by the so -called “electro-magnetic storms” of the atmosphere, as they occurred e.g. in the early summer of 1940. At the time of the earthquake in New England on December 24th, 1940, my set up at the pantostat (which was calibrated at 1 MA normal current) showed disturbances up to + 8 MA for several days.

Wilhelm Reich measured constantly changes in the atmosphere, related to pressure: at different times of the day, it was found that the Orgonotic pressure, the degree of condensation of this Energy in the atmosphere, oscillates during the day, reaching a “peak” at around 3 pm, to then decrease gradually until night falls. This oscillation has, therefore, a direct relationship with the influence of the sun, however, not limited by it. By exhaustive and painstaking continuous experimentation, Wilhelm Reich found that the atmosphere and the Orgone its imbued with, are highly sensitive and responsive “entities” (impossible to find a correct word for this tremendous fact); prior and during an earthquake, for example, the Orgonotic charge of the atmosphere would alter the constant galvanic current on devices designed to measure changes in electrical currents, such as the enigmatic “pantostat”, no longer in use.

That is: the Orgone Energy would create changes and alter electrical currents, hence proving its independent character, from that of electricity.

For an explanation related to the use of the pantostat on Wilhelm Reich’s experimentation, a reference can be found in this book, from James E. Strick: “Wilhelm Reich, biologist“, from where the introduction reads:

Wilhelm Reich, Biologist” – James E. Strick

Reference within this book in relation to the use of the “pantostat”:

Wilhelm Reich, Biologist” – James E. Strick

Continue to Part VI