The einstein affair : part ii


The denial of Christ

On the 7th of February of 1941, Albert Einstein writes a letter to Wilhelm Reich, in relation to the experiment conducted by himself, as guided by Wilhelm Reich, involving the temperature change registered above the upper side of the orgone accumulator, in relation to the rest of the area.

The experiment was repeated in the same manner as Wilhelm Reich conducted it, when the two men met at Princeton for this task: a thermometer was located outside the orgone accumulator, on the top; a second thermometer was placed suspended freely, from the roof. Both thermometers were to register the same temperature, following the prevailing logic of “empty and void” space, within the same room. However, this logic was dismantled and crushed by a temperature change registered at the thermometer located right above the orgone accumulator = concentrated orgone radiating from within the orgone accumulator made the area above the box, warmer.

“The Einstein Affair” – Archives of the Orgone Institute. Inserted for clarification purposes.

The letter starts with a brief explanation on how himself, (einstein), proceeded, following the same guidelines and steps as conducted by Wilhelm Reich; the confirmation of the temperature change is, thus, recorded and validated by einstein, after proceeding with the experiment himself.

The second paragraph of the above inserted caption reads:

Dear Dr. Reich:

In the beginning, I made enough readings without any changes in your arrangements. The box-thermometer showed regularly a temperature of about 0.3-0.40 higher than the one suspended freely.

Albert Einstein addressing Wilhelm Reich after conducting the experiment of the temperature change above the orgone accumulator, as compared to the temperature in the rest of the area. “The Einstein affair” – Archives of the Orgone Institute.

What follows after this is the denial of Christ, for to deny the existence of the Orgone is to deny the existence of that which permeates Life with evolutive forces, for humankind to get hold of.

The same principle brought by Christ 2000 years ago, that of evolution, at a physical level of understanding for humans of that epoch, is the principle that Wilhelm Reich revealed and proved as a real force in the aid of the advancement and healing of humanity, a principle that is to be found in the ethereal, in the atmosphere, permeating every living thing on Earth, including the planet itself, a principle that is to be understood and adopted as our next stage of evolution.

Two thousand years ago, the principle of evolution was brought down and revealed in the physical, by Christ; now, is to be found in the ethereal; this fact is what Wilhelm Reich made possible for humans to understand and adopt.

The existence of a force, capable of radiating heat when concentrated, capable of healing, a human race on the involutionary path of physical decline, was denied when the same experiment of the temperature change was conducted by einstein’s assistant, Leopold Infeld; whether the interjection of this character was at the request of einstein himself, perhaps doubting his own judgement, or whether this personage himself saw it appropriate to add his two cents worth of opinion, matters not, what matters is that his word stood firm as an iron wall, between human evolution and Truth.

This Leopold entity claimed that the temperature difference registered at the thermometer above the orgone accumulator was due to “conductivity from floor to ceiling” …… 

One can only imagine what went through Wilhelm Reich’s mind as he read such outrageous statement; a lifetime of gradual confirmation, experiment after experiment, a gradual and ever affirming confirmation of the existence of the Orgone, now denied by some assistant to the most powerful scientist of Earth: “conductivity from floor to roof”, was the determining fact of the temperature change, according to the most powerful man on earth, a man that declared a Universe devoid of Life, empty  …. Now confronted with the opposite fact: a Life Force that permeates his empty Universe …. 

After reading those lines and recovering from the shock of such stupidity, Reich immediately refutes this denial of his Discovery by reproducing the same experiment, outdoors, where no “floor to ceiling” conductivity could influence the change in temperature, such was the honest nature of his work, not assuming without first, testing and questioning himself a hundred times, if required by a mere insolent idiot, as idiots usually are.

Leopold Infeld - Wikipedia
Leopold Infeld = assistant to einstein and denier of the Orgone, also member of the Rockerfeller Fellows.

To Wilhelm Reich’s surprise, the thermometer placed above the orgone accumulator outdoors, not only registers a temperature change, as it did before, but the difference registered is far greater than the one registered when the experiment was conducted indoors! The Orgone affirms itself, speaking clear and loud:


Credit: nasa

Continue to Part III