The Einstein Affair: part xii

Last paragraph of the letter addressed to einstein, in response to his denial of the existence of the Orgone Force:

“The Einstein Affair” – Archives of the Orgone Institute.

If, on the other hand, you, with whose research this work has so many connections, decide to help as you originally intended, you will be assured of the gratitude not only of valuable scientists and physicians, but, more than that, of the innumerable sufferers from cancer to whom the orgone energy, if completely investigated, is bound to bring help. The old medical principle that it is best to leave the process of healing to nature, and to help it along by scientific means, is still valid, in spite of all the irrational activities of our times. Most cordially yours, Wilhelm Reich.

The claim under which the existence of the Orgone Energy was denied, by einstein’s assistant, was not only invalidated and proved as wrong, by determined scientific refutation, repeating the experiment in question, that gave testimony of a Force permeating an, until then, empty space, but the ludicrous vehicle by means of which, such denial and refutation took place, ignited an even more fervent will within the Discoverer himself, to prove the existence of the Orgone in a more precise, clear and exact way.

To these last words pleading for help in the developing of the Healing Properties of the Orgone Force, Wilhelm Reich never received a reply from einstein; His Words were discarded and ignored, at least at face value, for it is clear that knowledge of the Reality this Man Discovered and Investigated, was, and is, known by a few, the few that move the strings of destiny of the masses of human beings.

When such a Finding, as that of the Orgone Energy, holds the tremendous responsibility of placing in the Discoverer’s hands the certainty of restoring not only the human race, but the planet, to a pristine and highly developed degree of existence, parting from which, evolution can proceed its intended path, it is within the Discoverer’s capabilities to exercise all possible inner forces to make it known and accessible, Universally, to every living being on the planet; and precisely this exercise of Will, is what has been described in these past entries, with the intention of honouring, reviving, and make it known via this medium, the incredible courage, strength of Will, certainty in Truth, and determination, that a Real Scientist called Wilhelm Reich, held within the core of his being, defending the Discovery of the Orgone Healing Force, from the scavengers and parasites of humanity.

Unfortunately, the disease was too far advanced in the human race, and the cancerous plague that morphed the capacity to hold a system of freedom based on self responsibility, into dependency, and hence, decay, reigned supreme, when Truth and Life found a voice through Wilhelm Reich’s supreme capabilities to reveal within the physical realm, a more profound reality than that approved by just the five senses.

Wilhelm Reich

And just as the character of Life Itself, infuses that which is alive, with the living power to grow and evolve, becoming more of oneself, so the Will to continue the development of the Orgone Healing Force, with or without einstein’s, and hence, the powers of this world’s, help, became more powerful, more alive, in Wilhelm Reich’s determination to extract all possible applications of this Force, in the aid of Life, a Life that was, at the same time, being desecrated and annihilated, by the very same entity he, naively, asked help from, for Life trusts.

Far for being discouraged by the lack of response from einstein, to the truthful words elaborated in his letter as a reply to the denial of the Orgone Healing Force, words based on scientifically proven facts, corroborating the existence of this Force, Wilhelm Reich continued his path in the development for the applications of the Force, ignited by the findings that, as if granted by Higher Powers, revealed themselves in succession, giving testimony of the Reality behind each experiment, each test, each finding.

For the human element of Will based in the power of Universal Love, was present in the heart and mind of Its Discoverer, and only to he who holds such Grace, does Truth reveals itself within a physical realm, too low to descend upon, without the aid of an exalted human Will, otherwise.

Over two months after redacting and sending the letter, and yet, not receiving a response from einstein, Wilhelm Reich decides to continue corresponding with the little scientist, nevertheless; the reason for this momentous and daring move, was the extremely important findings that unfolded, clear as day, as he continued developing the properties of the Orgone Healing Force, when applied physically through the medium of his discovery, such as the Orgone accumulator; the principal finding, thus far, was the incredible receding and restoring to health of cancerous cells as the victims were exposed to radiation of Orgone Energy within the accumulator. What follows, is an account of this most extremely important fact, given in detail over an example of one, of the many, experiences he was to witness.

Page 1 of the short 3 page letter:

“The Einstein Affair” – Archives of the Orgone Institute

May 1st, 1941

Dear Professor Einstein:

The things that have happened in the course of the past 10 weeks, i.e., since my last report to you, are of such importance that I feel I should let you know about them.

About three weeks after my report to you, a man who advises me in tax matters and thus happened to know about my cancer experiments with mice, asked me whether I would undertake an experiment with the sister of one of his friends. She was suffering from a cancer of the breast and had been bedridden for two years. She had been given up by her physicians and was expected to die any day. She suffered from excruciating pains; her spinal column showed collapsed vertebras in two places, and there were a number of metastatic tumors in the pelvic bones. I decided to undertake the experiment with the orgone accumulator especially designed for human subjects in which the patient was exposed to the radiation; this radiation was given daily for half an hour to an hour (1 to 2 hr-op.). In the course of about three weeks, the pains disappeared and the haemoglobin rose from 33% to a normal level of 85%; X-rays showed the tumors in the pelvic bones in the process of disintegration and the destroyed bone parts in the process of regenerating by way of calcium deposits. Today, the patient can be considered well – for the time being – .

At the exposure of concentrated Orgone Energy radiation, cancer cells would recede and health would be restored … pain disappeared and destroyed bone parts regenerated …. so now the question is why?, why was this “claim” not followed through, placed to the test, investigated and documented by those who denied the Orgone? are we to believe that neither einstein nor any of his “assistants” read this three page letter from the Man, invited by einstein himself, into his Princeton cave, that demonstrated and proved as a reality, the Orgone Energy, validated, if only for a fraction of a moment, by the little scientist, himself? who or what surrounded einstein, who was really in charge of his decisions, who read his correspondence and who decided what was to be validated, and what was to be discarded? ….. for it is not to be forgotten that the undulating mist like formations of the Orgone Energy were witnessed by einstein himself, as demonstrated by Wilhelm Reich’s arrangement, in complete darkness, a vision that made the little scientist gasp, if only for a moment ….. but time and space lose meaning in the presence of Truth, and it is in that very Sacred moment, when we are capable of recognising It, that we become eternal.

Yet dragged immediately by gravity, this sacred moment of recognition, was questioned and ripped apart by ephemeral and inferior laws concocted and materialised within the world’s unconsciousness of Truth, by a gang of parasites, that decide, what is truth, and what is illusion.

She does her work and has taken her children back to live with her after not having had them with her for two years; she has no longer any pains and feels subjectively well. There is, of course, no way of predicting how long this improvement may last; the fact should not be forgotten that the patient, when she came to me, carried rather than walking, was on the point of death.

Page 2 of the 3 page letter:

“The Einstein Affair” – Archives of the Orgone Institute

In the face of these results, I decided to subject to the experiments three other patients, all of whom had been given up and were expected to die soon. The orgone radiation proved highly effective in these cases also, particularly by way of bringing about a biological change of the erythrocytes. In one case, the dissolution of the tumor on top of the head could be observed directly: one patient, whose oesophagus was almost completely obliterated by the tour so that he was unable to eat, was able to eat again after the second irradiation. The choking sensations disappeared, the patient gained 3 lbs. within 6 days, felt strong and was able to sleep again.

What is being disclosed in these accounts is nothing less than the victory of Life over the forces of decay, by a Healing Power, the Orgone, denied, ridiculed, maligned and attempted to be killed, by the World and its Prince ….

Every step in the experiment is carefully recorded. There is, of course, no way of telling how long these patients may live or whether new tumors will develop or not. One fact, however, has been definitively established: the irradiation experiments in humans are far more telling than in mice. For one thing, the physiological reactions of the organism are much easier to observe; and second, the tumors in the human are much smaller in relation to the whole body than they are in mice.

The news of these results spread rapidly: the relatives of these patients are very eager to help. Today, the brother of the first patient came in telling the that yesterday his house was overrun by family members of five cancer patients.

If the development of the Healing properties of the Orgone would have been carried over and developed, by the medium of the enormous power einstein held, as hoped by Wilhelm Reich, disease would have been eradicated from the face of the Earth, for it is decay, in its countless manifestations, that is eliminated, and Life, restored, by the Grace of the Gods, that have granted humanity this power to be used in the aid of evolution ….. but having descended to the bottom of a materialistic age, it is by raising our capabilities up to an understanding of this Force, the Orgone, as painfully investigated and proved as the Reality that surrounds us and that we form part of, by Wilhelm Reich, that claim for our rightful place within a wisdom based Cosmos, in eternity, can be placed. Einstein did not hold the Truth, neither does a science that denies that which cannot be proved by the limitations of the physical realm, for within the Cosmic Order of Existence, the physical is but the manifestation of a Power, the witnessing of Which, lays far above physical capabilities, just as the comprehension of our complex human thought system, is out of reach to an insect.

Summarised, the effects of the radiation, as observed thus far, are the following:

Elimination of pains, even if extremely severe,

Dissolution of the tumors,

Elimination of the anemia, and

Biological charging of the erythrocytes.

Of course, these preliminary results in human are nothing compared with the gigantic problems which present themselves at every new step, e.g.

  1. Is it possible to destroy every kind of tumor?
  2. Will it be possible to prevent the occurrence of new tumors?
  3. At which stage of the disease is cure still possible?

Yes it was possible to destroy every kind of tumor just as it was possible to restore health from sickness, yes it was possible to prevent disease and no stage was too far advanced for the healing power of the Orgone Force, to claim back Life out of the fangs of decay, as 7 years after these words above were written, case after case gave testimony of the healing power of this Force, becoming documented in one of his most important works, “The Cancer Biopathy”; In fact, the cases that Wilhelm Reich took upon him self to work on were patients already discarded by conventional medicine, some given only days left to live; as these victims had nothing else to lose, their last attempt at remaining alive and heal, were aimed at this new and enigmatic Force, applied under the instructions of this little known scientist with a German accent …. no invasive therapy, no drugs, no cutting into the body, only remaining within a box made of wood and layers of inorganic and organic matter, for short periods of time, and being exposed to radiation from this Force, silently working within each cell, restoring Life back to them, while disintegrating the cancerous ones ……

Last page of the document:

“The Einstein Affair” – Archives of the Orgone Institute.

4. How will the various patients tolerate the dissolution of the tumor and the elimination of the disintegrating material?

The melting off, as it were, of tumors and malignancies, as the irradiation of concentrated Orgone Energy wiped off decay and restored Life within the cells of the patient, saturated the patient’s lymphatic system, however, with a sudden discharge of decay that had to be eliminated and expelled out of the body as a matter of urgency; this was one of the most difficult tasks with which Wilhelm Reich was confronted, as those patients without a strong enough resistance to withstand this process, would recede, and even get worse; again, these were terminally ill patients, given up by conventional medicine, sent into the hands of Wilhelm Reich’s Therapy out of desperation, undergoing a healing process that was, in its magnitude, colossal and with no precedent in the sad history of humanity, a process that immediately healed and restored life were Life was due Its rightful place, producing a discharge within the organism of destroyed and obliterated cancerous cells; in the majority of cases, the patient’s organism would eliminate this product of decay through the normal routes, offering an incredible grim spectacle of a solidified process of death having been conquered and eliminated out of the body as a brownish substance of putrid odour, emerging out of every pore of the body ….

How to be shy and silent when the one responsible of facilitating this process of healing, right in front of one’s eyes, bears witness of this majestic process? how to refrain oneself from not announcing this most important finding to the World at large, for everyone to know, for everyone to benefit? how not to make it known and bring this finding to the most powerful man on earth, Albert Einstein, and plea for his help in the developing for further application of this Healing Force, in the midst of a second world war and in anticipation of a nuclear assault, at a planetary level?…… what kind of monster ignores this plea for help, when in his/its hands, the power to heal the human race, in every corner of the World, laid?

5. How will brain tumors react?

6. How fast may one proceed in dissolving the tumors? etc. etc.

The answer to these questions was revealed by experience years later, and documented in his work “The Cancer Biopathy”, a very moving and heart wrenching testimony, of the painful stages that Life requires from the searching soul, to reach the degree of certainty in Truth, in Reality; a very arduous and difficult path, reached only by those with courage of soul, unafraid to fight for It no matter how giant the beast that opposes It, might be.

Still, could one, however, be under the spell of a delusional thought system, built on mere fantasies fed by the work of a scientist that validates the heart’s yearning for Truth, a heart that has been torn apart into a million pieces by a reality that lays external to one’s inner core, but that nevertheless, claims possession and rulership of one’s material senses, directing and manipulating every aspect of an existence, based on the realm of the physical … after all, the most powerful and recognised scientist, one validated by the world of the five senses, discarded this Truth discovered by Wilhelm Reich, the Truth that, incidentally, resonates with that yearning, that infinite thirst to be reunited with It ….

That question is answered by another question: how is it possible to reach this certainty within one’s soul, when this world decrees that only that which is available and at reach of the five senses, lays within the realm of reality, and yet, know within one’s core, that any validation decreed by external forces, is but illusion? that Truth lays only within, not without…

Once the lie is recognised as such, a journey within begins, where vast distances are reached, unavailable to any external forces, travelling desolate lonely paths that slowly reveal an everlasting rich landscape waiting to be claimed, by that yearning capable of piercing through the walls erected by the opposer of Truth, and where one is taken by the mighty hand of those who travelled the same path before, and were granted the Grace of Wisdom, having been earned in Courage of Soul.

It is to be expected that the application of the orgone radiation at an early stage (i.e., immediately upon the diagnosis of the growth and not only 2 – 3 years later when the metastatic process is far along and has already destroyed important organs) will be extremely helpful, both with regard to the progress of the research work as a whole and with regard to the therapeutic possibilities. For the time being, however, my own attitude toward these results is still one of wonderment and caution. I have as yet not told anybody about this new experience. It is important to wait for further observations, particularly with regard to the duration of the effect. When they will be at hand, I will have to make a report to some central agency of the organizations for the fight against cancer.

The results of the application of Orgone Energy irradiation on cancer patients called for the aid and cooperation with any organisation whose objective was the pursuit of eradicating disease; universal healing was at hand, the door was opened to a reality that most would only have dreamed of, a dream at the verge of turning into a living waking fact …. too accessible to the masses of people being drained alive by a parasitic system that profit off human suffering ….. yet from the same system, a way through that opened door had to be found if the Healing Power of the Orgone was to be made available, to all human lives …..

.. but the door was shut, by this man above, and the powers he represented, and worked for, condemning the race to remain in the misery and mendacity of a system built in lies.

I am in the process of connecting, by way of especially constructed pipes, the orgone accumulator with metallic cases buried in the ground. It has been shown, quite in accord with the experiments which I carried out in February in order to answer your letter, that the concentration of the Orgone Energy is most successfully accomplished in soil which is exposed to the radiation of the sun.

To understand this statement one has to go back to the Bion experiment, and follow the process through which it was discovered, that those bions deriving from ocean sand, emitted a stronger radiation of Orgone Energy, so strong was the radiation that it would cause conjunctivitis and irritation of the optic nerve, when observed through the microscope; the Bions derived from sand beach held the element of solidified sun energy within, this added element introduced a sudden leap in the Discovery, for it was found that decaying cells were restored to health, when they were exposed to radiation from SAPA Bions, (those bions derived from sand beach), and also, how T-bacilli, were repelled, dispersed and, eventually, eliminated in the proximity of these Bions, and the influence their very presence, exercised. This extraordinary process of healing, restoring and repelling decay, took place with no need of direct contact, but at a distance ….

This method allows of a simplified construction, inasmuch as I only have to bury tin cylinders of about 2 – 3 ft length and about 1 ft diameter; this leaves the inside of the cylinder free and the soil in immediate contact with the metallic outside.

Bearing witness of the magnificent power of healing and restoration the Orgone Force gave testimony of, Wilhelm Reich placed all of his limited resources at the service of developing further ways to apply this healing force, through manifold mediums, brought about by the power of his superior intellect, an intellect functioning within at the same degree that evolution requires, in order to catch up with the ongoing character of a wisdom based Eternity …..

Trusting that you will be pleased to get these news, I am sending you my most cordial greetings. Yours. Wilhelm Reich.

There is, for the Knower, a faint element of bliss, granted by the Knowing Itself, protecting one’s being from the abyss that walks constantly at close proximity, ….. faint but powerful, one knows that It is all written, that each moment counts, that there is no action without a reasoning and a purpose in the act of being Alive, when one is aware of the implications innate to a fully conscious human being of the 21st century …. for it has all been recorded in that Book of Life, where the Masters and Prophets from past times long gone, have produced the fruits ripened in the Grace of Wisdom, ready for this age to be developed further, and ensure continuity.

The most fierce enemies to human evolution are stupidity and cowardice, the former, denies the human within, the latter, degrades him.

“The Einstein Affair” – Archives of the Orgone Institute.

Dear Mr. Einstein

I ask myself why I have not yet received an answer to my letters of February 20th and May 1st.

The first letter, expanded in previous posts, being rather a 26 page scientific document where the details supporting the confirmation on the existence of the Orgone Force, and the reasons why the refutation of Its existence by einstein’s assistant was wrong, is exposed, and the second letter, an account of three cases where terminally ill cancer patients are healed by being exposed to irradiation of concentrated Orgone Energy. No answer was received from einstein to these two letters ….. the most important Discovery in the history of humankind, presented and confirmed to the most powerful scientist on Earth, went ignored …

I would be thankful, in the interest of the work, if you would let me know definitely whether my information has been further examined, or whether there is no interest in it.

At this point a simple note acknowledging receipt and confirming that no further interest in regards to the matter was to be offered, would have sealed the “affair”; however, no such simple gesture took place; the “case”, due to the immense significance and importance of What was Being fought for, from one side, and denied, from the other side, was not closed by ignoring Wilhelm Reich’s correspondence and plea for help …. far from it, the powerful einstein was binded within an ever tighter knot with each report, each letter, each single word in defence of the Orgone Force, delivered by Wilhelm Reich like powerful arrows carrying Truth.

“Four mystery dramas” – Rudolf Steiner.

I would not have put this question now, but the therapy experiments on cancerous human beings are being talked about, and call for new efforts every day. With best regards, Yours Wilhelm Reich

This note, nevertheless, was not sent; the healthy reaction of confronting directly, the irrational, the twisted, the insane, from a sane standpoint, in an already insane environment … the madness of a world falling blindly for a lie, praising the liar, the corrupt, the deceitful, and discarding the Truth ….. the eternal battle between good and evil …. only Life Itself could have been the Mighty Force that sustained the courage and strength of Its very Discoverer and Messenger, within such a mendacity of character, as that surrounding every aspect of the interaction between the most powerful scientist on Earth, and the Truth presented by the most powerful Scientist, in Truth.

Wilhelm Reich

Further letters followed this one, on the same line, revealing the anguish endured by the soul that knows he holds the knowledge capable of healing a sick world, but whose only voice was at the mercy of the enemy of human evolution’s power, to make it be heard …

Regardless of the ungracious and rather violent situation within which, the Discoverer of the Life Energy, found himself, confused and frustrated by the lack of response from einstein, he nevertheless continued without fail, to address and keep him updated on the many exponential advances and positive results the application of concentrated Orgone Energy upon sick organisms, kept yielding. The deeper the silence from the little scientist’s quarters, the stronger the manifestations of the healing properties of the Life Force spoke in an ever clearer and loud voice = the Living Force that envelops the planet and all life contained in it, extending into Cosmic Realms unreachable to human understanding, is a Reality, and in the mighty process of enveloping and healing the sick, under the guidance of Its Discoverer, the confirmation of Its Existence was proclaimed.

But a system whose existence relies on human suffering and ignorance, could not allow for a Free, Universal and Vital “Force”, to be recognised and developed to help advance the human race and sunder the chains that bind them to their masters …. just as little as Wilhelm Reich could recognise, initially, that a science based on worldly recognition, was not at the service of the Gods, but instead, at the service of the beast.

The following letter addressed, and, this time, forwarded to einstein, was written four months later, and the fact that its translation into English was, originally, not offered, and required the intervention of Eva Reich, his daughter, to be translated and published, immediately holds our attention …. for in this letter, the Mighty breathing process of the Earth, as demonstrated by the Orgonotic pressure registered through the 24 hours of a day, as a Living Organism, is documented as a factual reality, by observation and meticulous experimentation, by the Superior Intellect and Capabilities of a Real Scientist, placed at the service for and of Life and Truth.

To the transcription of the translation of this 3 page letter will the next post be dedicated.

May all who have eyes to see, see.

Continue to Part XIII