Continuation of Wilhelm Reich’s letter in response to einstein’s denial of the existence of the Orgone, pages 15 & 16:

“The Einstein Affair”- Archives of the Orgone Institute, inserted for research and clarification purposes.

Third paragraph (previous two paragraphs included in last post):

My clinical and experimental findings may be summarised in the following concepts, incomplete and in need of correction as they may be:

The automatic life function is governed by a four-beat: mechanical tension – bio-electric charge – bio-electric discharge – mechanical relaxation. In other words, it is based upon a specifically biological combination of inorganic functions; functions which, it is true, do exist in the physical world but do not exist in this specific combination. The living function, thus, is nothing but a specific combination of physical functions. All autonomic organs of the animal organism, such as cardiovascular system, intestines, urinary bladder, etc., function on the basis of this rhythm, as do molasses like the medusa. On the basis of the discovery of the specific biological energy, living matter can no longer be considered nothing but highly complex protein; rather, this protein is governed by a specific energy which derives from matter itself through a process of disintegration and swelling. Non-living protein, thus, is a highly complicated organic substance which has lost the four-beat of the tension-charge-discharge-relaxation function or has not developed it.

The characteristic that differentiates the living from the non living, is the 4 beat pulse, as described above by Wilhelm Reich: tension – charge – discharge – relaxation; this pulse of life is governed by the Orgone Energy, its expression is to be found within the countless manifestations of life, from the basic movement of the ameba to the most complex unseen igniting power that fires our neurons, into that divine inspired thought that makes us understand, finally, that Life is more than a simple “bunch” of highly complex protein units, that there is a specific energy governing the Life process, sustaining and advancing us, humans, into ever higher evolutive degrees of existence, allowing for all creation to be carried up along, in an upward spiral of development. To believe, otherwise, that the complexity that stands behind the Life process, is the result of a number of highly complicated protein units, stirred together by chance, is, not only an absurdity, but an inadequate paradigm to accept in the present epoch, where the power of intellect must be placed at the service of logic and reason, of Truth.

We must go back to these words, highlighted by Wilhelm Reich, and directed in a very concrete and clear way, to him whom I call the “prince of this world”, the high priest of science, human’s guiding light .. into an abyss: Albert Einstein.

Living function is governed by a very specific combination of physical processes: tension, charge, discharge, relaxation. There is order in this four beat rhythm, not chaos, there is purpose, not chance, there is an intelligence under which mandate, Life functions according to clear and concrete laws, laws based on exactitud and order; no room for coincidences or arbitrary “happenings” exists in the Universal stream of Eternal existence, only a perfect order carried out under the guidance of sublime laws, a comprehension of which, can only be earned by the grace of the Gods. 

Certainly Wilhelm Reich did earn this Grace, and he fought until his last breath for this knowledge to be disclosed and placed at the service of humanity: that our very existence is supported by the living mighty force of an invisible “Energy”, an Energy within which, we are sustained and continuously regenerated.

To believe otherwise, is to fall prey to the lie.

What follows, continuing on page 16 of the letter, is an explanation of the most important Discovery of the 20th Century, preceding the confirmation on the existence of the Orgone “Energy”, a few years later, as His Work developed being carried along on the firm ground of a Logical thought system, based on the very same principles of Life and Reality, themselves, based on Truth.

Three years ago, I published my observations concerning the fact that any substance which is made to swell or which is heated to incandescence and then made to swell, disintegrates into vesicles of 1 – 5 size which are charged with energy; these “energy vesicles” I termed “bions“. They are units of living matter, derived immediately from inorganic substances, and capable of developing into bacteria or protozoa. They are found immediately after the preparations are made, which excludes the possibility of their being the result of air-borne infection. the latter requires at least 24 hours for development.

There is a reason why the insertion regarding the discovery of the Bions is included in the letter addressed to einstein in response to his denial of the Orgone; the Bions are basic Living “units”, that develop from non living matter. Because an understanding on how this Man discovered the Orgone is not possible to be obtained without first comprehending the preliminary steps that, by following a logical and thus, functional thinking pattern, were taken, an explanation on how these first units of “Livingwere discovered is offered to einstein.

It is important to invest the time and effort to, at least, attempt to reach such an understanding, and to be a silent witness, accompanying Wilhelm Reich’s path, into the discovery of the Orgone:

The Bion experiment

On his work under Freud’s psychoanalytical practice, Wilhelm Reich discovered that, it was by facing the patient, instead of sitting behind him or her, as it was the common practice, and asking straight forward questions regarding the emotional background under which the patient acquired his or her current mental disorder, that a complete “purging off” of the most fiercely guarded pathological states, from within the patient’s psyche, was achieved, as the patient found him/herself with no other option but to open up to a direct and honest “confrontation”; no room for hiding, twisting or manipulation on versions of “events”, according to the patient, was allowed, only the truth, coarse, painful and hurtful as it was, of the patient’s maltreated and “injured” inner life, was expected to be elaborated, in detail.

However, the main clues eventually yielded by their own accord through a character analytical observation based on how the patient expressed his or herself, where the eyes rested, what tone of voice was used, the quality of the breathing, the facial expressions, the movement of any parts of the body accompanying the speech, etc . A true investigative process of carefully analysing each physical expression was conducted, for these were clues to the inner and hidden struggles of the patient’s emotional life.

As these details arose to the surface, by speech, a manual compression and release of key areas of the body, mainly the chest and abdomen, was conducted by the practitioner, in order to allow the tension and accumulation of the built up distress, to come up to the surface. The result, after a period of time and/or a number of sessions, depending on the patient’s individual resistance or tolerance to such a direct approach to get to the bottom of the neuroses, was that, eventually, in all cases, a final breakdown of the patient’s “armour” to yield to the treatment, resulted in violent convulsions of the extremities or the abdomen, followed by a severe episode of crying and a final immersion of the whole being of the patient, in a blissful feeling of well being and peace.

Observation and confirmation of an energy laying deep within the patient’s inner core, capable of immersing the organism into an involuntary episode of muscle spams, of bringing up to the surface of the physical, from the realm of the emotional, no matter how deep the grief, a resolved and released, otherwise entangled and armoured, inner life, demolishing that armour built up after a lifetime of grief, and transmuting it into its rightful essence, that is, re establishing the energetic flow of Life, in accordance with the Universal Law of the Living, was obtained, and confirmed, by objective experience, however, the character of the manifestation of this energy, remained within a subjective realm, that is, could not be materialistically demonstrated, yet.

The confirmation of this energy by physical, tangible means, was Wilhelm Reich’s target, ever since, and so, a way to prove this finding in material terms, for a world drunk in materialism, unable to see two inches beyond their physical vision field, had to be achieved.

These bions also represent the energy which we incorporate in the form of food (which is organic material disintegrating into energy vesicles). The taking in of air and food, then, represent the two main types of introducing energy from the environment into the organism.

The streaming of energy observed on the patient’s external involuntary convulsions as the inner grief was brought up to the surface and, eventually, resolved, was also observed to be identical to the streaming responsible of movement on microorganisms, observed under the microscope. A study on these microorganisms required the preparation of infusions under which, ameba could be obtained; these preparations were initially granted by the University, to those scientists that would require them for use in their investigations, however, Wilhelm Reich enquired as to how these ameba were exactly “produced” in the preparations, in order to obtain them himself by following the same technique; the answer from the technician at the University was that by simply placing hay or grass in water and letting it soak for 10 to 14 days, the microorganism would develop. This answer astonished Wilhelm Reich by its simplicity, and resolved to test it for himself, he proceeded with the preparation of soaking hay in water and wait, for the microorganism to “form”. The official theory regarding how these amoebas “sprouted” out of nowhere after a few days of hay being soaked in water was due to the interaction with air, from where germs would contribute to these formations. But this theory did not hold under Wilhelm Reich’s exquisite power of intellect and determinism, to find a more adequate explanation as to the origin of life, other than a simple combination of factors. A more delicate and precise process had to take place, in order for life, to emerge, under specific powerful laws.

Inner unrest, a constant voice that refuses to be quiet, a strong will to find the answer that would finally quiet that voice holding the emergence to know, exactly, how a living motile unit of life, would develop from such a grotesquely simple combination of stoic processes, inheriting lacking the element produced, allegedly, by themselves … how could a living function emerge from the combination of non living ones? ….. within the inner impulse that brings into question the accepted answer, Truth stands a chance.

Not ever created nor destroyed, Life eternally unfolds in a constant state of evolution, in a swing like pendulum motion, advancing twice the distance forcefully regressed, in order for impetus to prompt development, out of the struggle and ultimate refinement, of our inner soul forces.

And as we raise after each fall, in the Truth, victorious over the lie, the whole of Creation raises up with us, into ever higher stages of evolution, proving to the gods, our worth as their own Creation.

The same wisdom filled igniting power that placed Wilhelm Reich’s steps on the correct path towards an understanding and ultimate discovery of It, was responsible for that living function that, under the microscope, he confirmed as the reality where the sublimity of Life, rested.

Between time, and matter, it was the Living Force of the Orgone that infused all elements involved with Life, and motility.

Under the premise of the Bion experiment, Wilhelm Reich demonstrated that the formation of living motile units out of non living matter, could be observed, not created, but confirmed as a process of continuation of life, eternally .. a solid basis was established on the existence of that “element”, that, under the correct combination of factors, ensured Life’s continuity and self (re)generation, the germ theory was crushed and discarded, along with an old an invalid mechanistic understanding of the living process.

“The Bion experiment” – Wilhelm Reich

James StrickThe Bion experiment

Driven by the inner urge to be placed at the correct path in his search for that, until then, mysterious Force that ensured the continuity of the living process, it was by adhering to this very same process in His approach towards a higher “knowing” of Life, that the doors of Knowledge were wide opened; many a monstrous powerful lie had to be fought and dismantled, however, against a world increasingly descending further and further down into the illusion of materialism, where the living could only be proven by means of a dead science that promulgated an empty and vacuous Universe, the irony of its own paradigm, no serious thinker in touch with his or her inner sense for Truth, could fail to realise.

The established, funded and accepted scientific view on the living process differed and distanced itself ever further from Wilhelm Reich’s approach to a living scientific understanding of Life. Visual interpretation on this diagram by James Strick.
James Strick =

Hence by introducing in the letter addressed to einstein in response to his denial of the Orgone, the Discovery of the Bions, of those units of living processes he bore witness to, under the microscope, under airtight conditions and on sterile preparations, the existence of a “Force” that, according to a very specific combination of factors, ensured the continuation of the living process, set a solid foundation for the logical conclusion that led to the understanding of the same phenomena, operating not only within the microscopic realm, but Universally.

These findings and concepts are quiet in accord with those of yours concerning the inter-relationship of matter and energy. The relationship of orgone energy to electromagnetic -energy is quite obscure. To judge from the observations at hand, orgone energy seems to act in the direction of the magnetic force and transversely to the electric force.

This “magnetic force”, still believed to this day to be as such, was eventually found to be of the same nature as the Orgone, by His Discoverer, in fact, the same Force that governed the living process from the Bions to atmospheric phenomena, to the rotation of the Earth, itself, was one and the same: the Orgone Energy.

This initial stage of the discovery of the Orgone Energy, the Bion, was as viciously attacked, and, subsequently discarded, as later on was to be the ultimate confirmation of the Life Force, under which sole governing rule, existence can be understood.

The only material means by which any scientific discovery could be known and be made available to humanity, was, and is, to be filtered through the approval and blessing of the most powerful conglomerate of official bodies and names under which, the necessary  funding and publicity is obtained; all of these countless routes by which a new discovery needs to navigate operate under just one set of strings, manipulated by a very small group of “men”, they move around in this world under the name of rockefeller, followed by “foundation”, “non profit organization”, “charity”, etc, etc, etc, … and just in the same way that help and assistance from the powerful “einstein entity” was sought after by Wilhelm Reich, in an attempt to make the discovery of the Orgone Energy available to humanity, the Rockerfeller foundation was asked to grant much needed financial help to make the discovery of the Bion known, and its development studied, for the seeds of a new Energy powerful enough to heal humanity and the planet, was Discovered.

Needless to say, this help was denied by the same entity that, instead, focused all its resources in the creation of the atomic bomb.

One hopes the dots can start to be connected …..

Source =

It is absolutely remarkable that the first result that the modern Alexandria Library yields under the search of “who funded the atomic bomb?”, is to be this guy below, for I doubt very much he held the amount of money required and granted for the monstrous project; he was just another puppet following orders from his masters ….. just another bunch of cowards … cowards hiding behind cowards ….

this poor old folk was not responsible for funding the Manhattan project, the Rockefeller foundation was, they had the funds for it, not this guy above, the hot potato is being karmically passed, I see, in a pathetic attempt to rectify; it is too late now mates, Universal Law is set on stone.

No, the 32th president of the u.s. of a. did not hold a direct responsibility in funding the Manhattan project, the Rockefeller foundation did. He was simply, another soul selling creature, at the service of the beast.

The assistant to einstein responsible for the initial denial of the Orgone Energy was a member also, of this Rockefeller club, and, as it stood, his opinion and word, was to be followed as an order by einstein, who was, yet another, soul selling creature at the service of his masters, another puppet.

Humanity’s soul as a whole, was sold by puppets serving masters of darkness, for a momentary lapse of worldly fame and glory.

It is time to wake up and pay heed to Wisdom, to stand by Truth, and to discard the lie, we are already out of time, for we were not granted an extended period of Grace, so much sought and fought for by Wilhelm Reich, within which a new reality for the human masses would have been achieved, in accordance to the Cosmic law of healing, order and development; the beast has won the pulse, and we are, as a race, heading fast towards the abyss; inner forces must be sought for and placed at the service of Cosmic Work, Love, and Knowledge, and a good start to get back on the path towards Life, is to research, understand and honor, the Work of Wilhelm Reich.

End of page 16 & beginning of page 17 of the letter:

It was essentially on the basis of my knowledge of your basic concepts that, many years ago, I set out to refute the argument that the sterile bions were due to air-borne infection; this was done by heating to incandescence such substances as coal-dust, soot, crystals, etc. By thus smashing matter and making it swell subsequently, I obtained my “energy vesicles” or bions. These findings were confirmed experimentally in France and reported and put on record by co-workers, at the French Academy, the Sorbonne and other places.

Continue to Part VIII